
“Weather the Storm” is one of the most beautiful song written by Ralph McTell. During his concerts Ralph explains that this song was written for a friend who had come through a life threatening experience and tremendous mental stress. It was written after his friend slowly and by dint of his own powers began to pick up the bits and pieces and rebuild his life. The expression to “Weather the Storm” means to survive the tempest and the expression “Into every life a little rain must fall” meaning everyone has to bear a little sadness from time to time.
The song was composed on the piano and transferred to the guitar.
About “Weather the storm” by Ralph McTell: “.. I was just playing the tune of WTS on the piano, and I came up with the chorus. I did my one and only video for it, although it wasn't a video, it was a film in those days. Again, I have had a lot of correspondence about it from people who say the song helped them through a bad time, so I regard it as a success” .

Apparently I was quiet, but when I received my compact-disks I begun to shake me, because someone of Ralph Mc Tell ’s staff remembered Domenico Mosca.
I Had the envelope with the cds and was very worried, in fact I didn't choose what was the best for his autograph. However after to have chosen it I stood in turn, when it arrived I was more and more troubled. Of course I had an expression that described my emotions while I was talking with Him. He remembered about me, about my e-mails and cds that He had carried to me. All these for me was wonderful.
I nodded a lot of times, as to say "God I understand Him", I had my picture taken with him, but I wanted to have the video camera with me to imprison my emotions and the joy to be there, but surely I looked sad when he didn't find his pen, I was panic-stricken I was afraid to haven’t his autograph; the pen arrived, and I had his dedication and his autograph on my cd.
We greeted each other and I said him that I liked to see him in Italy again, and him, as an old friend of mine said, me: "... when you come back to Italy , write me .. because I want to come there .."
This is the history of my meeting with a great artist, which, although his fame and importance is always a normal person, not take prison in the stars-system, and available to entertain with his audiences.
I’m not a writer and maybe I’m not the right person to write about Ralph McTell, but I have wanted to write these few words to express my more depth thanks to this big artist that with his music lets go deeply into the "Chromatic essence of the soul".
Thank you Ralph
It was 1980, when my friend Fabio recommended me to listen to an album of an English singer-songwriter. He was unknown for me yet; his name was and is Ralph McTell.
The album, I’m speaking about is: “Ralph, Albert & Sidney”.
I wish to say that album attracted me from the first time that I listened to it: I like very much the music, the words, so perfectly played by a passionate singer’s voice.
Listening his album I felt a great emotion. Even if I heard his recording voice, Ralph McTell was able to communicate me some vibrations and emotional moods very and very strong.
After I looked for other McTell’s albums, but uselessly, because in my city nobody knew him.
So I began to think that “Ralph Albert & Sidney was the only Mc’s recording.
Since 1980 many years are passed without any results, but thanks to internet my research has acknowledged and finally I found a lot of news about 300 songs, they are written and played by one of the best sing and songwriter: Ralph Mctell.
Except his songs, I’ve found his personal website and with my great surprise close his address I’ve read a sentence saying: "Ralph really does appreciate the amount of emails that he receives from you all, but he regrets that he can not individually reply to you".
So I decided to write some e-mails to him. I never believed to receive a Ralph ‘s answer. But, a day, opening my electronic mail, I found his answer. I was so amazed and excited, my eyes were glued to the monitor; Ralph McTell, the most popular English singer-songwriter , wrote me a letter and thanking me for my interest.
After this e-mails, there were many others, until when I found myself in London to be present at his concert.
My devotion to Ralph McTell’s songs grows up day by day, with the difference that in my heart and in my mind, now, I’ve got his voice, his face, his sympathy!